
Professional Development

Speld Qld offers Professional Development opportunities to all schools, organisations, parent groups and individuals, across Queensland.

Our sessions are designed to promote awareness of Specific Learning Disorders (SLD’s) in order to improve learning outcomes for students.

We can tailor the professional development to your needs, however, we also offer standard 1.5 hour presentations including:

Accommodating Students with Learning Difficulties in every classroom

Session: 60 minutes

Teaching students with learning difficulties across all settings is challenging. This practical fast paced workshop will:

  • Dispel the myths and misconceptions surrounding dyslexia; and
  • Identify accommodations that are reasonable to ask of teachers in all classroom settings

Assistive Technology

Session: 60 minutes

This 60 minute workshop explores what assistive technology is and how it can bring independence, confidence and joy to learning. Practical tips and strategies are provided relating to how best to use devices such as iPads, tablets, PCs and other technology to effectively support those with learning differences.

The Challenge of Learning to Read

Session: 60 minutes

Schools will soon be working with version 9 of the Australian Curriculum. Is your school aware of the changes that have been made and how this impacts the teaching of reading and spelling? Learning to read is complex, and well-informed teachers are vital to ensure students receive the best possible chance of developing this essential life skill. This one-hour workshop will explore:

  • The research behind best practice
  • What the brain does as it reads
  • The important role of structured, synthetic phonics in early reading instruction
  • Changes in the Australian Curriculum in the early years of school that impact reading


Session: 60 minutes

Dyscalculia, a specific learning disorder with impairment in mathematics, is an innate difficulty in learning and comprehending mathematics. People who have a specific learning disorder with impairment in mathematics (dyscalculia) have trouble understanding numbers, learning how to manipulate numbers, learning mathematical facts, and a number of other related difficulties. This 90-minute workshop will explore:

  • the main predictors of dyscalculia
  • how dyscalculia is assessed
  • what maths skills may be impacted
  • the adjustments we can make to support

We can deliver PD sessions in regional and remote areas of Queensland through a video conferencing platform. A sound internet connection is required.

Unlocking Potential: Supporting Gifted and Challenged Learners

Session: 60 minutes

This professional development session will equip educators to effectively support gifted students. Led by a Speld QLD Education Advisor, experienced teacher and parent of two gifted children, participants will explore the unique characteristics and needs of gifted learners. Additionally, we'll delve into the concept of twice exceptionality (2e) and discover evidence-based provisions. Through a strength-based approach, educators will gain valuable insights to enhance their teaching toolkit.

Price List 2024

$500.00 (1-1.5 hour workshop)

$200.00 (60 minutes workshop for parents)

if held the same day as the School PD Booking (otherwise 1.5 hour workshop fee applies)

$198.00 School Membership(if not a current Member)


Professional Development sessions are arranged on an individual basis but can take place during:

  • School hours
  • Outside school hours
  • School holiday periods
  • Pupil free days

Bookings and enquiries

All requests will be considered and a response will be provided as soon as possible. If you any queries, please email speld@speld.org.au



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