What is Kindy?
For educators
For parents and families
Kindy resources

Speld Kindy

Kindergarten (Kindy) is a part-time educational program for children in the year before Prep (the first year of school in Queensland). Kindy is a place where children will make friends, explore new environments, build confidence and have fun learning. Kindy offers meaningful experiences and interactions that support childrens’ early learning, wellbeing and development, now and into the future.

Support Services

Kindergarten teachers and educators use a range and balance of strategies to extend children’s thinking and play in emergent and planned learning experiences across the kindy day. Kindy children have the opportunity for:

  • Making friends, collaborating and playing with others
  • Imagining and expressing themselves through art, dance and dramatic play
  • Building independence through decision making and negotiation
  • Strengthening their confidence and resilience
  • Communicating ideas and feelings
  • Building on their knowledge and exploring new ideas through investigations and play
  • Developing early reading, writing and numeracy skills

Read more about what Kindy is here.

Speld Qld fully endorses the importance and significant benefits of children attending Kindy in the year prior to formal schooling beginning

Kindy Inclusion Service

Speld Queensland is a service provider for the Kindy Inclusion Service. The scope of the program is described by the Department of Education as aiming to enhance the participation, inclusion and learning and development outcomes of kindergarten children with additional needs, within their educational setting. Support services within this program are free of charge to approved kindergarten programs across Queensland.

In Australia, up to 1 in 10 people have a learning disability. The most common ones are a Specific Learning Disorder with an Impairment in Reading (Dyslexia), a Specific Learning Disorder with an Impairment in Writing (Dysgraphia) and a Specific Learning Disorder with an Impairment in Maths (Dyscalculia). Development Language Disorder (DLD) can also impact the learning growth of individuals. 1 in 14 learners have DLD. Many of these disabilities will not be formally diagnosed until students are in primary school, though signs and symptoms can be present in the early childhood years. Early intervention is crucial.

Kindergarten services are in a very strong position to support students who may have a potential learning disability. Prioritising teaching and support practices that are protective and inclusive for all students ensures all Kindy learners, particularly those with language challenges and/or a potential learning disability, can transition to school with the skills they need to reach their potential.

Support Services

Kindy services can access specialist support from Speld Qld as part of the Kindy Inclusion Service. 

Our support is focused on enhancing early childhood educators' understanding of learning disabilities and increasing their capacity to support children through universal and targeted evidence-based practice. All professional development and support services are free of charge.

Support services included…

  • An advisory service (phone/email) with Education Advisors and Speech Pathologists
  • A suite of professional development workshops(On-site and online delivery)
  • Modelled learning experiences in your service
  • Service visits for collaborative planning
  • Regional visits for rural services
  • Specialist Kindy library with professional texts and resources
  • Children's picture book library (with teaching notes)

Kindy Parents and Families

The kindy year of learning is a wonderful opportunity for your child to develop skills in a supportive and nurturing environment.
Approved kindergarten programs develop your child's physical, social, intellectual, language and emotional abilities. Children will have opportunities to learn how to:

  • Use language to communicate ideas, feelings and needs
  • Make friends and cooperate with other children
  • Become more independent and confident in their abilities
  • Creatively express ideas and feelings through art, dance and dramatic play
  • Identify, explore and solve problems
  • Develop reading, writing and numeracy skills.

The routine will most likely include a combination of indoor and outdoor play, group and individual activities, morning and afternoon tea, lunch break and a rest.

Your child will take part in individual and group activities such as block play, painting, games, puzzles, storytelling, dress-ups, dancing and singing.

Children can take part in outdoor physical activities and interact with the natural environment.

Through these experiences your child will build on their knowledge, explore and express new ideas, learn to cooperate with others and make friends.

The Queensland Government has a comprehensive set of Kindy resources for families and care-givers.

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